Thursday, January 20, 2011

Stick and Stones - Yet Word Can Hurt Too

I have this rule I try to follow - Do not share my words without leaving for an extended amount of time, return, proof and then share. My editors have taught me this for good reason. Well, there are no editors here at the present moment therefore I am going to follow my own instincts just this once ;)

I want to voice my concern about the manners of our youth. I have three sons who all have completely different personalities and interests. Many wouldn't even think they were brothers because of there uniqueness from one another. Yet one important quality they do all have is manners. My heart is so filled every time I hear one of them say "Yes Ma'am, No Ma'am - Yes Sir, No Sir, Thank You Very Much, I Appreciate it Sir, May I Help You Ma'am". This mannerism of theirs was taught by their Father, Step-mother and Myself and it has opened many doors for them in every aspect of their lives.

As many of you know, I am an advocate of self-discovery. (Sounds cool - doesn't it? Well it is!) Through social networking, leading special groups and the latest awareness of my book - I have been approached by an abundance of people from all walks of life asking for some guidance with their particular suffering - everything from spiritual guidance, depression and the ever so popular weight issues. I share regarding the balance of mind, body and spirit and I have experienced the theory if you work on one....the others tend to fall closer into place which tends to make it much easier to give each area the attention it needs.

I offer for those who would like support to meet with me at 6:30 pm and to join me in a powerwalk. I have a route I have walked for months and I know where 1 mile is, 2 miles, etc. for those who are working up to the full route. I've had some wonderful people join me - a really cool pastor, an awesome young woman who just completed chemo, a few college aged fellas (now THAT'S a trip!), a pharmacy tech who is FULL of positive light, a grandmother of four (that's you mom), a neighbor (hi Chris!), my BFF Michelle (we like to go alone so we can "talk about boys" lol) , an amazing artist and author (Lisa Donahue!), a woman battling depression who attends my church, a man battling depression and anxiety, a man who quit smoking and had gained over 50 pounds and tonight......tonight I shared the evening with a woman who is battling obesity. She is an amazing woman with so many talents and has one of those laughs that just makes YOU laugh - you know the type? Oh how I love that! Why am I ranting about my walking group when I titled this note about the manners of youth? Read on.....

As we were walking, I could see that she was becoming a bit winded - so I slowed the pace. We discussed "self-talk" and "self- care" and how those two things are so important for healing. We were picking back up the pace as we were approaching her one mile point where she would be turning around and I would be going on. At that moment, some young men drove by and one yelled out the most horrendous insults to her. She stopped, looked down and began to weep. This was a sad day. A very sad day. I am aware of the underlying reason this young man acted the way he did - (fear) yet I am so very sad tonight. After the sweaty hugging, holding her face and looking into her eyes and telling her "You Matter" over and over - we started to walk again - and as we walked, I prayed. I prayed for her, for the young man who acted so cruel, for all those who are suffering and I prayed for me.

There is evil in the world - yet I choose to focus on the good - however, tonight - I will weep for those who suffer and pray that something good derives from this pain. "Make your pain matter!" I told her. Tonight - I will make this pain matter. I hurt. I hurt for her. Needless to say - I didn't walk my full 6 miles tonight. I turned around and walked back with my new friend. She got into her car, looked up at me and said "I will see you tomorrow at 6:30 pm because.....I matter". I hugged her, bumped my head on her window (lol), she laughed her amazing laugh and I stood on my porch as she drove away with tears running down my face.

Friends, would you please do me a favor and if you have never done so would you speak to your children and young adults about the power of their words? Words can be so wonderful and they can also be so painful to someone's spirit. And I realize it's not just young people - there are many adults who have a very nasty attitude towards their own brothers and sisters - it's just that tonight, it happened to be a young man who caused some very unnecessary pain to someone who was already suffering.

In closing, I realize there may be some typos, graphical errors, etc - yet I just typed from my heart to my fingers and bypassed my brain for etiquette this evening. I thank you for taking the time to read this and allowing me to share. I promise - I am going to make this pain matter.

© Copyright 2010-Lisa Hardwick-All Rights Reserved.

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